Anyway, as I was saying before my mind wandered (just like the old days of running Bamboo) these clumping varieties are just fab for those of us wanting instant gratification and a little privacy. Think of Bamboo as the 'instant noodles' of the plant world, just add water and voila! This is my kinda plant - not shelling out wads of cash for mature varieties, go the smaller pots and you can watch it grow before your very eyes. It also helps if you have an avid gardener on hand who knows all the secrets to have your garden realise its full potential.
Gareth always says that when you plant a garden you are planting for the next generation. He's certainly not wrong in saying that, I can just hear the next generation now "how much do you reckon we'll get from Uncle Pete's estate - lucky they had those beautiful gardens, should add a fair bit to the sale price!". Funny enough, this may not have been exactly what he intended when he made that statement. However, I do hope some future generations enjoy them for their beauty.
Now, what was the reason I originally sat down to write this post? Oh yes, the Bamboo. We recently planted 150m of Bamboo along our front boundary to give us the ultimate in privacy (read cheaper than a fence). Unfortunately, it was planted during a month of searing temperatures and no rain and it initially looked a little worse for wear (read dead). I lost all faith but Gareth said no fear, Bamboo is here. With a little bit of rain, it's flourishing again and it no time I'm sure it will look like another row of Bamboo we planted a little over a year ago.
Bamboo. Clumping away to its hearts content, not a runner in sight. We'll feel safe in our beds tonight. Happy gardening.