We're on our way

Gareth & I had always wanted to escape Sydney and a few years ago we were lucky to stumble across this beautiful paradise called Carool. This is our story of building our dream home. We look forward to sharing this with you over the coming year or so and hopefully look forward to welcoming you as our guest when we open our small luxury B&B.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A little piece of Carool history is gone

There was a tinge of sadness this weekend when a little piece of history on our property said goodbye. For those of you that have been up here, you will remember the old banana packing shed that was alongside the gate that we will be using as our new entrance to the B&B. Gareth and I have agonised for ages as to whether we would keep it - Gareth often fantasised about it being his 'Farm Shop" but in the end the decision was made for us by nature. The timbers were rotten from pest activity and it was becoming unsafe. Sad though to see this link with the past disappear. However, in the demolition we were excited that we came across the old template that Mr Conti (the previous owner of some 40 years) used for labelling the banana crates. We also came across some old crate timbers in perfect condition which we will keep in recognition of the history of this beautiful part of the world we are now custodians of.

1 comment:

  1. Sad, but a nice find with the crates. Love reading this blog, and look fwd to the next entry.
