What is it with the so-called law of attraction? A lot of people put it down to heightened awareness but not me.
Why is it that you keep seeing that new car you are planning to buy when you have never noticed it before? Co-incidence. I don't believe so. Without going all Zelda on you I'm sure it's got to be something to do with the universe.
Now before you all think I've lost it let me tell you a story. My post last week was all about pythons. Perhaps I shouldn't have given them so much 'airtime' as at last count, we have had 3 different pythons this week and 3 dead ducks. Go figure that? 3 in one week, we're lucky to have 3 in one year!
So that's the end of stories on pythons for now.
And on the subject of bad attractions, shame we couldn't re-write history and remove a bad attraction from a few years back in Whitney Houston's life. Might have led her on a completely path. Poor Whitney, may she RIP.
Here's to optimism! And I promise no more spooky posts!