We're on our way

Gareth & I had always wanted to escape Sydney and a few years ago we were lucky to stumble across this beautiful paradise called Carool. This is our story of building our dream home. We look forward to sharing this with you over the coming year or so and hopefully look forward to welcoming you as our guest when we open our small luxury B&B.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Escape - what's in a name?

Can you believe it? It's been over 3 weeks since I last wrote about our journey. And you know, it's never felt more appropriate to have called it Escape than ever.

3 weeks, do we ever stop to realise just how quickly our weeks pass by? I know its such a cliche, but I've never felt weeks pass by so quickly as I do now that I am commuting between Sydney and the Coast. Yet, my weekends seem to last such a long time and I'm sure that it's down to the change of pace. Every weekend, I get to "Escape" city life. Every weekend, I get to recharge and it's amazing what it does for your well being.

Like yoga down in our Community Hall every Saturday morning. I bet when the local farming community built this hall a hundred years ago it would not be possible for them to have imagined the serene setting it provides us with for the practice of yoga (and i mean practise - how does Judy get into those positions!)

Anyway, back to calling our luxury B&B Escape. That's what it was all about, to Escape for the weekend, to Escape all your worries at home, to Escape the day to day and for us, to Escape the motions of a life in Sydney and stop and smell the lillies (sorry, there ain't no roses growing in these gardens).

Molly, how lucky we opened that magazine where Gareth was showing us those daybeds for the pool and we saw that name!